The 9th Congress of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League The Second Report: The US-Japanese Imperialist War of Aggression on China and the Task of Revolutionary Communists【革共同第9回大会第2報告 米日帝の中国侵略戦争と革命的共産主義者の任務】

Demonstration in Shinjuku, Tokyo against the Kishida Government that aims to participate in Ukraine War, April 24, 2024
The 9th Congress of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League
The Second Report:
The US-Japanese Imperialist War of Aggression on China and the Task of Revolutionary Communists
Zenshin No. 3,336
March 18, 2024
At the end of February 2024, the National Committee of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League held its ninth Congress.
The Politburo submitted the three draft resolutions to the Congress: the first report, “The balance sheet of our struggles—our understanding of the current era and establishment of our line,” the second report, “US-Japan imperialist war of aggression against China and the task of revolutionary communists,” and the third report, “The Policy for the decisive battle in the first half of 2024.”
I The Great Downfall of US Imperialism and the Aggressive War on China―a World War
(1) What is the cause of today’s world wars?
(1) The Ukraine war has entered its third year. The Israeli military’s genocidal invasion of Gaza, Palestine—the massacre of over 30,000 people, and the ongoing slaughter in Rafah—has created the situation, in which the war is expanding to the entire Middle East. The military confrontation between U.S.-Japanese imperialism and Chinese Stalinism over Taiwan, the South China Sea and the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands) has been intensifying. Japanese imperialists made historical step in military buildup, doubling of its military budget, and all the other major powers are also heating up their arms race. As we approach the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II, we are witnessing flames of another world war, which are spreading with more fierceness than those in the 1930s which led to World War II. It is the urgent and vital task of the world proletariat to stir up an anti-war struggle throughout the globe to stop this world war that has already begun.
(2) In order to achieve an all-out rising up of working class and people in this anti-war struggle, we must clearly grasp what is the cause of today’s world war. The imperialist ruling class promotes itself as the defender of “freedom,” “democracy” and “peace,” and blames Russia’s Putin, China’s Xi Jinping, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, Iran, and Palestine’s Hamas for the causes of today’s wars. A war to repel these “aggression” and “terrorism” is touted as an “exercise of the right of self-defense,” and the strengthening of military power to “deter invasions and defend one’s own country” is propagated as legitimate and necessary. Unless such propaganda is fundamentally crushed, the anti-war struggle will not succeed.
(3) The bottom line is that the biggest cause of today’s wars is the historical decline of US imperialism, which dominated the world after World War II until recently with its overwhelming military and economic power. The situation has now reached a critical stage where US imperialism has begun an aggressive war against Chinese Stalinism—a world war—in order to desperately escape from this crisis of its own collapse.
The enormous impact of US imperialism’s decision to launch an aggressive war against China brought wars in Ukraine and the Middle East to the fore and is now escalating and expanding them. And the hostilities in Ukraine and the Middle East are spurring and converging to US imperialism’s aggressive war against China—the eruption of a world war, a nuclear war. The central issue of the current violently progressing world war situation is US imperialism’s thrust into aggressive war against China—a world war. We must grasp this very core and confirm that the world war—the destruction of humanity—can only be prevented by the Proletarian World Revolution to Overthrow Imperialism and Stalinism.
(4) World War II was the explosion of imperialism’s basic contradiction for the second time , as a result of survival of imperialism, which was made possible by Stalinist betrayal. Stalinism distorted the transitional period from imperialism to socialism with the theory of “socialism in one country,” betrayed the world revolution started by the Russian Revolution in 1917 and brought about the defeat of the international class struggle. German imperialism and Japanese imperialism became most desperately violent after the regime-collapsing crisis caused by the Great Depression of 1929, and rushed into aggressive wars and world war. US imperialism, which was trying to establish a new system of world dominance, grasped this situation of confrontation with German and Japanese imperialism as justified pretext of waging war. Thus, a world war exploded far exceeding World War I, involving also USSR Stalinism. As a result of this world war, all the imperialist countries except the United States, fell into a crisis of total collapse. In Europe and Japan, the indignation of the working people created a post-war revolutionary situation, and in the colonial countries under imperialist rule, a wave of struggle for national liberation, spearheaded by the Chinese revolution, began to erupt into a national liberation/revolutionary war. It was necessary to combine the proletarian revolutions of these imperialist countries and the national liberation/ revolutionary wars of the colonial countries into one proletarian world revolutionary movement for overthrow imperialist world domination and achieve victory. Instead of this, however, Stalinism sought world division and “peaceful coexistence” with imperialism, and terminated the postwar revolutionary situation. Helped by such Stalinist decisive betrayal, US imperialism achieved to rebuild imperialist world domination with itself as the pivot with its overwhelming military power (including the nuclear weapons actually used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and economic power.
(5) As mentioned above, the post-WWII imperialist world domination was re-established by the overwhelming military and economic power of US imperialism along with the cooperation of Stalinism, which betrayed the world revolution. However, for the US and other imperialism, Stalinism was, in its class essence, nothing other than a “degeneration of the proletarian revolution,” an opposing entity irreconcilable to imperialism that should be dismantled. However, at the same time, imperialism was well aware that Stalinism had abandoned world revolution, has nothing common with communism, and thoroughly capitalized on the “horror” of its anti-people system for propaganda useful to justify the suppression of domestic class struggle, wars of aggression to suppress national liberation struggles in Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East, Central and South America, Africa, etc., and the expansion of nuclear military power. On the other hand, the Stalinist side also countered US and other imperialism with nuclear armament, and by creating a military confrontation with imperialism and a state of constant wartime-like tension, which imposed coercive and bureaucratic regimes against the working people, legitimizing and strengthening their domination.
In the above-mentioned architecture, the world domination by post-WWII imperialism is defined as the “post-WWII world system of imperialism and Stalinism,” and is based on a unique and extraordinary relationship of “mutual conflict = mutual dependence between imperialism and Stalinism.” Thus, the “transitional period in the world history from imperialism to socialism, communism” has undergone a reactionary transformation and fixed into “the world division system of imperialism and Stalinism”.
On the Basic Definitions of Imperialism and Stalinism
Here, we would like to reaffirm our understanding of imperialism and its basic contradictions, as well as the basic definitions of Stalinism.
1. What is imperialism?
In his Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, Lenin pointed out in essence the followings:
(a) Around the turn of the 20th century, capitalism transitioned from its liberal stage to its monopoly stage, imperialist stage—“the highest (last) stage of development.”
(b) The main economic features of imperialism are as follows. (i) Monopolies, established through a high degree of concentration of production and capital, play a decisive role in the economy. (ii) Finance capital, which is a combination of a few giant banks (financial monopolies) and the capital of industrial monopolies, becomes the dominant capital, and a financial oligarchy (rule by a very small minority linked to finance capital) in which finance capital and the state merge and dominate the politics and economy of a country. (iii) Capital exports are more important than commodity exports. (iv) International monopoly organizations of capitalists divide the world (market division). (v) The division of all the territories on earth among the advanced capitalist countries (great powers) has been completed.
(c) Imperialist world domination and national/colonial issues. The world is ruled by a small number of advanced capitalist countries (imperialist countries) that have established finance capital, and the various nations, countries, and regions are separated into oppressing peoples and oppressed peoples, imperialist countries and colonies, semi-colonies, and dependent countries.
(d) The parasitism of imperialism, the takeover of the upper echelons of the working class, and the intensification of chauvinism and reaction. Imperialism becomes more parasitic due to the super-profits earned through market monopolization and capital exports to colonies and spheres of influence, and bribes the upper echelons of the working class (large labor union executives as labor lieutenants, labor aristocracy). They try to take over the labor movement, transform it into one that can be reconciled with imperialist interests, and mobilize the working people ideologically and politically toward chauvinism, national-interestism, and defense of the fatherland. At the same time, it attempts to exterminate the movement of the revolutionary working-class people, which strives to fight against imperialism strictly on a class basis, through brutal police crackdowns. In its parasitic nature and reactionary nature, imperialism is shown to be “capitalism in decline,” “moribund capitalism,” and “on the eve of the socialist revolution.”
(e) An explosion of the basic contradictions of imperialism. The inevitability of world war. Imperialism is burdened with enormous amounts of surplus capital and surplus production forces generated by monopolies, and in search of an outlet for this, inter-imperialist rivalry over cheaper resources and labor, and “re division” of the’ markets, colonies, and spheres of influence intensify the conflict. This gives rise to imperialist wars of aggression and national oppression, as well as the escalation of political reaction and military buildup and conflicts between imperialist countries. This is the basic contradiction of imperialism.
Imperialism strives to win the struggle, to suppress the resistance and liberation struggle of the oppressed peoples, and to crush the dissatisfaction, escalation, class struggle, and revolutionary movement of the domestic working class and oppressed people. It will become more reactionary, incite xenophobia, expand armaments, pursue a policy of aggressive war, intensify conflicts between imperialist nations, and finally explode into a world war.
2. What is Stalinism?
(a) The unprecedented disaster caused by World War I, which was the first explosion of the basic contradiction of imperialism, created a revolutionary situation throughout the world, and the Russian Revolution of 1917 launched the world historical transition period from imperialism to socialism. However, in the process of the defeat of the German revolution and the delay of the world revolution, a Stalinist counterrevolutionary transformation of revolutionary Russia and the international communist movement was brought about.
What is Stalinism? The quintessence of this can only be truly grasped from the standpoint of those who stands firmly on the position to overthrow Stalinism, overcome it, and complete the Russian Revolution that started in 1917 and the world revolution. From this very standpoint, the JRCL grasps Stalinism as follows.
Stalinism is counter-revolutionary distortion of the international communist movement. This counter-revolution was born in the following historical process:
(a) (i) The Russian Revolution was started in 1917, on the imperialist stage of capitalism, (ii) and the world revolution definitively started with it and the world history entered the transition period from capitalism to communism. (iii) The revolution, however, was not directly followed by successive overthrow of the major imperialist countries and as a result the Russian Revolution (revolutionary Russia) was isolated from the revolutionary development of the class struggle of the world and sieged by counter-revolutionary imperialist powers. In this situation, the revolutionary Russia was forced to be built on the material base of the old extremely backward Russian imperialist system overwhelmed by agriculture. The Russian proletariat, which had made enormous sacrifices due to long imperialist intervention and civil war with counterrevolutionary forces, was faced with such overlapping difficulties of having to promote the construction of a transition period toward socialism in Russia.
(iv) What was essentially needed to overcome this unprecedented difficulty, was to take the position of advancing the revolution and firmly maintain the struggle for the completion of the proletarian world revolution, and for this end to establish a revolutionary line of fighting for the construction and defense of revolutionary Russia for the time being, thereby drawing out and strengthening the revolutionary potential of the proletariat.
(v) But counter-revolutionary degeneration took place: it took a form of the betrayal of the world revolution and Russian revolution by reactionary mobilization of the layer of bureaucrats that conservatively sought to secure vested interests from the fruits of the Russian revolution with the theory of “socialism in one country,” and they made “building of socialism in one country” their end in itself and forced it, resulting in the bureaucratic and anti-proletarian transformation of revolutionary Russia.
(vi ) Thus, Stalinism degenerated the very international communist movement.
(b) The point is that such Stalinism’s “victory”—its foundation and consolidation—was by no means a historical necessity.
It is certainly true that in the 1920s, the Russian proletariat was forced into a brutal civil war due to the siege and intervention of international imperialism, and faced difficulties that could be even called “hopeless.” This is the very moment when the Party’s role in leading the revolution to ultimate victory was crucial. At this time, what was required of the Bolsheviks (Communist Party) as a revolutionary party was to trust in the revolutionary nature and potentials of the (Russian) proletariat, which rose up to complete the world revolution and achieved the dictatorship of the proletariat, and to overthrow the power of capitalists and landowners together and strengthen the alliance with the peasants; and to clarify the revolutionary understanding of the era and encourage the proletariat and materialize their proactive potential for self-emancipation, and converge all efforts on domestic construction as far as possible toward socialism and world revolution.
In fact, Lenin was trying to lead the party and the working class in this very direction until his death.
However, Stalin did not trust the revolutionary nature of Russian and the world proletariat, gave up world revolution in the difficulties faced by revolutionary Russia, and adopted, instead, the policy of “building socialism in one country, Russia.” At that very moment, Trotsky and other opposition leaders did not completely rely on the revolutionary nature of the proletariat, and could not resolutely carry out the internal struggle, power struggle for leadership of the party and the state against Stalin and others who had outrageously chosen the policy of “socialism in one country” and thus were defeated by Stalinists. Only as a result of such defeat without intransigent fight, Stalinism was established.
(c) Stalinism is by nature full of contradictions, and its collapse is inevitable. Stalinism betrayed the world revolution, essentially surrendered to imperialism, and made “building socialism in one country” the end itself. It allowed imperialism to basically prolong its life, continued to be under the pressure of this survived imperialism, intensified the contradictions of building socialism in one country = internal contradictions, and therefore intensify even more military confrontation with anti-people nature to imperialism for Stalinists’ own life extension.
As a result, imperialism is given more and more excellent pretexts for aggression, and Stalinism is put under even greater military pressure and caught up in the explosion of the basic contradictions of imperialism, exploding Stalinism’s own contradictions, and finally leading to the collapse of the system. leading to a crisis. The fundamental contradiction of Stalinism lies in the fact that it betrays the world revolution, allows the basic survival of imperialism, and makes the construction of socialism in one country the end itself.
(2) Collapse of the postwar world system and irreconcilable escalation of US-China conflict
(6) The post-WWII world system of imperialism and Stalinism began its decisive collapse first on the side of Stalinism (the collapse of Eastern European and USSR Stalinism from 1989 through 1991). After that, US and other imperialism continued to prolong its life in a neoliberal manner while also incorporating the collapsed Stalinist bloc. But it does not mean that the problem of Stalinism completely disappeared and Imperialism’s universal world domination was re-established as the landscape as same as before the Russian Revolution of 1917. Above all, the existence of the huge Stalinist state, China, is undeniable fact, and North Korea, has survived as a military state confronting the US and South Korean forces since the 1950 Korean War . Furthermore, Russia, the successor state of the former Soviet Union, did not simply willingly come under the influence of the US and other imperialist countries. The prolonged existence of these systems also provided an excuse for U.S. Imperialism to maintain its huge military power, including nuclear weapons, even after the collapse of the Soviet Union as Stalinism, and the antagonistic and interdependent mutual relationship between imperialism and Stalinism continued.
In particular, incorporating Stalinist China as a huge market has been decisive for imperialism, which used neoliberal globalization as an outlet for surplus capital-surplus productive forces. Also, Chinese Stalinism attempted to approach imperialism to maintain its continued economic growth by incorporating massive imperialist capital and technology in order to maintain Stalinist regime. In this way, all imperialism, including the United States and Japan, and Chinese Stalinism deepened their economic ties with each other, but the Lehman Shock of 2008 made it no longer possible to continue such relationship. This was the beginning of the new Great Depression and the great decline of US imperialism.
(7) In fact, conflicts and confrontations between the United States and China began in the 2010s after the Great Depression in 2008 (with the Asian pivot under the second Obama administration—the shift in U.S. military deployment from the Middle East to Asia), and continued from 2017 to 2020 under the Trump administration. After Trump’s “trade war” and a complete change to a hard line toward China, the situation escalated decisively under Biden who took office in 2021.
After the Great Depression of 2008, US imperialism faced a deepening crisis of control both domestically and internationally. While vast numbers of working-class people were plunged into poverty and increasingly unstable lives, the financial giants and some high-tech companies that took advantage of the crisis amassed even greater wealth. Today, there are seven companies known as the “Magnificent Seven,” which includes GAFAM (Google [Alphabet], Apple, Facebook [Meta], Amazon, and Microsoft), semiconductor company Nvidia, and EV company Tesla. Their aggregate market price has reached 13 trillion dollars (approximately 1,900 trillion yen.) These economic realities have given rise to a situation known as “the division of America.”
The essence of this “division” was the extreme intensification of class conflicts in the United States, which led to the rise of the labor movement and an explosion of demonstrations against racial and sex discrimination. On the other hand, this “division” is being promoted from the right, and the dissatisfaction, despair, and anger of the masses, including the fallen middle class, toward the current situation is being channeled into patriotic and fascist slogans such as “America First” and “Make America Great Again.” Trump won the 2016 presidential election and assumed power by using such slogans that challenged the status quo. A Hitler-like power figure has emerged from within the American bourgeoisie, the core country of imperialism, who gains popular support by agitating for the destruction of the status quo by destroying everything that does not directly benefit the United States. This was a decisive sign of the great downfall of US imperialism and the terminal phase of the imperialist system itself.
Trump has stoked xenophobia, blamed China, along with immigrants, for “stealing” American jobs, launched a trade war, and even condemned China for the COVID-19 crisis, calling for a military and ideological confrontation with China. . Trump’s policy of putting America first and even hinting at withdrawing from the NATO shook relations with imperialist allies such as Europe and Japan, and also undermined domestic rule, which necessitated a certain degree of realignment and readjustment. The Biden administration emerged in January 2021 after a civil war-like political clash, including the attack on the Capitol by Trump’s supporters. However, the point is that Biden also pushed forward the confrontation with China much harder than Trump.
Immediately after taking office, Biden declared China, along with Russia and other countries, to be an “totalitarian country.” The 2022 National Security Strategy, formulated around the time of the Ukraine war, defines China as “the only competitor with both the intent to reshape the international order and, increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to advance that objective” and called the confrontation with China “America’s most consequential geopolitical challenge.” Thus, US imperialism defined Chinese Stalinism its “only competitor” in the fight for world domination, and made “Out-Competing China” the central goal of its “national security” = war policy. Moreover, the United States has been intensifying political and military intervention in Taiwan, arms aids and military support, trampling the “one China principle”—the US’s own policy since 1970s and China’s non-negotiable principle. The US Navy and Air Force has increased military maneuvers around Taiwan, conducted repeated exercises, waged Cyber warfare, mobilized Japanese imperialism to militarize the Ryukyu Archipelago (Nansei Islands), including Okinawa, and incorporation Australia, Southeast Asia and NATO members for a new aggressive war against China. It is very US imperialism that is “changing the status quo by force.”
Needless to mention the National Security Strategy, the purpose of US Imperialism’s war against China is crystal clear: US world domination. For the survival of US Imperialism and its world domination—imperialist system based on the United States, China’s Stalinist system should be collapsed and overthrown, and China and Asia should be re-ruled and reinstated under the dominance of the United States. Preparing for a war to re-divide China and Asia and launching a war means a genuine aggressive war. In fact, US imperialism has already launched the scheme to overthrew the Stalinist regime in China (a tremendous war against China, which had a huge military second only to the United States and armed with nuclear weapons, a war on the level of a global war). This has become the epicenter of today’s world war situation, erupting violently into flames in Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, and the Middle East.
(3) Crisis of Chinese Stalinism and its anti-people military confrontation
(8) In response to U.S. Imperialism’s decisive move toward an aggressive war against China, Chinese Stalinism, precisely because of its fundamental character as Stalinism, does not appeal to the working class people for international anti-war struggle. Neither does it take concrete measures to strengthen the unity of the workers and people in the mainland China and Taiwan. Instead, Chinese Stalinism has been engaged in military confrontation against imperialism, which led to the U.S. imperialist aggressive war against China, giving more and more excuses.
The Chinese Revolution in 1949 should have played an essential role of a historical victory for national liberation/revolutionary war as an organic part of a proletarian world revolution that fundamentally overturns the imperialist world domination and the system of national oppression and colonial rule that was inseparably integrated to the imperialist world domination. It was expected to become the hope of the oppressed peoples and the proletariat, and to demonstrate the power to decisively promote world revolution. However, the Chinese Communist Party (founded in 1921), which took the leadership of the Chinese revolution, had been decisively influenced by the Stalinist distortion of the international communist movement since the late 1920s, and in particular, under Mao Zedong who took control of the party in the mid-1930s, the national liberation/revolutionary war and the victory of the Chinese revolution became disconnected from the struggle for the ultimate victory of the proletarian world revolution. The Chinese Communist Party forced the construction of “socialism in one country” a la Mao Zedong, on the material base of the semi-colonial conditions which had continued for nearly a century, as a result of the devastation caused by the 15-Year War, the extremely cruel aggression by Japanese imperialism starting with the “Manchurian Incident” in 1931, and furthermore, the subsequent civil war in 1930’ as well as 40’s with Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang forces supported by US imperialism. The economy was dominated by agriculture, which was overwhelmingly backward, and there were very few industries. “The Great Leap Forward” from 1958 through 1962 suffered from tragic catastrophe. As a result, China’s economy and society were engulfed in famine and devastation worse than that experienced by the Soviet Union in 1930s, when the “Five-Year Plans” was enforced, funded by expropriation from peasants. And they overcame this contradiction, just as Stalin had done in the past, by merciless and drastic suppressing and repressing peasants and ethnic minorities, imposing heavy-handed control over all people, and fabricating “Cultural Revolution.” under the absoluter authority of Mao Zedong. On the other hand, domestic resources were concentrated on building up nuclear military power to counter the encirclement of China by US and other imperialism, and furthermore, due to the contradiction of “socialism in one country,” which was incompatible with proletarian internationalism, the Soviet Union and China intensified their disputes (in 1969, it escalated from border disputes to the brink of nuclear war), and these external tensions were used as leverage for domestic control.
In this way, the “New China” that was born from the victory of the national liberation/revolutionary war became a Stalinist regime that was not at all “socialist” but a horribly anti-people entity; its contradictions and crises were intensified to the extreme. In face of this reality, Chinese Stalinism took a complete turn in 1972, when the Vietnamese people were courageously fighting a national liberation/revolutionary war against US imperialism (although this was also distorted by Stalinism). Chinese Stalinism sought collusion with US imperialism (Nixon-Mao meeting). It was here that Maoism achieved its final bankruptcy, abandoning the pretense of being the standard bearer of anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism .
After the bankruptcy of Maoism and Mao’s physical death in 1976, Deng Xiaoping, who took control of the Party and the state after a period of turmoil, decided in 1978 to follow the path of continuation and prolonging the life of China’s Stalinist system by the line of “reform and opening up.” It set an economic growth path of “market economy” and “capitalistic economy” through the large-scale introduction of imperialist foreign capital and technology. After the suppression of the Tiananmen Incident in 1989 and the collapse of USSR Stalinism, it was further promoted in a comprehensive manner in conjunction with the neoliberal globalist development of imperialism mentioned above. In December 2001, China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), which was established in 1995 as a successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was the framework for the postwar imperialist world economy led by the United States. Thus, China has literally become the “factory of the world,” attracting capital from all over the world and continuing to grow rapidly. Through this combination of economic growth and the strengthening of the Communist Party’s political and ideological control, Stalinism in China did not collapse like the Soviet Union. Today’s Xi Jinping regime has been trying to strengthen its rule by promoting “Chinese nationalism” and praising itself as if it had made progress toward achieving a “great modern socialist country” and “socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
However, precisely because Chinese Stalinism has become gigantic by the incorporation with the imperialist economy, its contradictions have also become gigantic. As a result, it is actually facing an enormous crisis. Stalinism in China has never been “successful” in contrast to declining American imperialism, nor has it become the axis of the world to replace it. Although the world domination of imperialism was partially overthrown, its central core remains still, as long as the struggle to overthrow imperialism through world revolution is abandoned. Stalinism is trying to survive under the siege and pressure of imperialism, on the premise of prolongation of imperialism with its domination of the world. Stalinism, which is trying to survive , is a historically finite entity in its essence. Now that China’s Stalinism has passed the COVID-19 crisis, it is under intense deflationary pressure of surplus productive forces due to increased investment after the Great Depression in 2008 (Lehman Shock) followed by the collapse of the terrible real estate bubble. A decisive crisis is deepening caused by the drastic reduction in trade and investment with China and restrictions exercised by the United States on advanced technologies such as semiconductors.
In this way, Stalinism in China is in fact increasingly falling into a crisis of system collapse even more serious than the collapse of US imperialism. After the bankruptcy of Maoism and the deadlock of the turn to capitalism policy since Deng Xiaoping, China’s Stalinism has now strengthened its dictatorial iron fist control of the Stalin-Mao-styled personality cult under the Xi Jinping regime, and provoking nationalism and patriotism based on the Chinese ethnocentrism as decisive levers for maintaining CCP’s control. For Chinese Stalinism, which was founded on the victory of the national liberation/revolutionary war, it is an effective tool for political mobilization to spread the praise of “the Great Party”, which had achieved this. For this Chinese Stalinism, the achievement of “unification” with Taiwan, has been an “unfinished part” of the 1949 Chinese revolution (because of the presence of the overwhelming military power of US imperialism in this area), This vital national goal is blocked by U.S. Imperialism, which has forcibly intervened in Taiwan, a core interest of China’s Stalinism., treating it like a sphere of American influence, arms Taiwan, and supports de facto moves towards independence from mainland China. U.S. Imperialism is acting as if is supporting Taiwan, mobilizing Japanese imperialism and others to strengthen military activities around Taiwan.
China’s Stalinism , as long as it tries to prolong its life as Stalinism in the midst of aggravating crisis, it has no choice than to strengthen its military confrontation to US imperialism, shout even louder the call for “Taiwan unification,” and exalt patriotism and nationalism, and thus diverting domestic dissatisfaction outward, to seek “unity” under the Xi Jinping regime. US imperialism, fully aware of such a response of China’s Stalinism , propagate it as China’s “attempt to change the status quo by force” and “threat to the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.” US imperialism intends to make a big deal out of this and uses it as an excuse to justify its aggressive war against China.
As mentioned above, US imperialism’s aggressive war against China is a war to overthrow the Stalinist regime in China, with the aim of rolling-back from the great downfall of US imperialism and the crisis of its world domination. It is an imperialist aggressive war for reinforcement of the control and re-division of China, Taiwan and the whole area of Asia. And this war by US imperialism will provoke in its development military counter-measure with anti-people character of Chinese Stalinism , which will fall to prey of US imperialism to promote further attack.
Therefore, the anti-war struggle against the US imperialist aggressive war on China can only achieve true class and popular development when it definitely clarify its position of Anti-Imperialist Anti-Stalinist World Revolution: (1) a position of absolute opposition to imperialist aggression, war, and its world domination, and (2) a position of carrying out a world revolution to overthrow imperialist world domination through international solidarity of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples. (3) a position that fundamentally overthrows Stalinism as a counter-revolution that opposes world revolution with the theory of socialism in one country.
(4) Full-scale mobilization and participation of Japanese imperialism, which is the cornerstone of the aggressive war against China
(9) What is absolutely essential in this war of invasion of China by US imperialism is the mobilization and participation of Japanese imperialism in a direct confrontation with Chinese Stalinism. The Japan-U.S. summit talks between Biden and Suga (the then Japan’s PM) in April 2021 and the statement’s mention of “peace and stability in Taiwan Strait” were decisive steps toward such goal. The United States and Japan declared their intention to intervene in issues between mainland China and Taiwan, which China considers its internal matter. It was followed , in the next year, by the Japan-U.S. talks, the Japan-U.S.-Australia-India (Quad) meeting, and the Kishida administration’s Three Security Documents at the end of the same year, the cabinet decision on a major buildup plan to double military spending in preparation for an aggressive war against China. Since then, movements toward Japan’s participation in the war on China have been accelerating at a tremendous pace in Okinawa and throughout Japan. The Nansei Islands are more and more fortified as a military stronghold and the Self-Defense Forces are being strengthened, missile evacuation drills are becoming a regular occurrence with the assumption that Okinawa and all of Japan will turn into battlefields, accelerating underground shelter construction, resident evacuation plans, in anticipation of a “Taiwan contingency.” Joint operational exercises are intensifying, China has been defined as an enemy country in the February 2024 Japan-U.S. war game, and even plans are underway to stockpile blood for transfusions for the Self-Defense Forces in the Nansei Islands.
Already, influential think tanks and research institutions, including the US Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), have repeatedly announced the conclusion that “Japan is the linchpin” in the fight against the Chinese military in the “Taiwan contingency.” It went on to assert, “A conflict with China would be fundamentally unlike the regional conflicts and counterinsurgencies that the United States has experienced since World War II, with casualties exceeding anything in recent memory.” It has repeatedly emphasized the vital importance of Japanese imperialism to respond to US plan for an aggressive war against China. To this end, Japan railroaded Security Law of 2015 (the War Law), which goes beyond the constraints of Article 9 of the Constitution, and the revision of the Three Security Documents at the end of 2022.
Currently, there is a lot of noisy propaganda about the Japanese economy’s stock market being at its highest since the bubble period in late 1980s, but this is mainly due to the seemingly improved performance because of the weaker yen, the flight of funds from China in the current situation of looming war on China, and speculation by foreign investors. The reality of Japanese imperialism is :that its GDP has recently fallen to the fourth place after Germany in the world, the value of the yen has fallen, real wages have continued to decline, population decrease has accelerated, fiscal deterioration has continued, and ultra-low interest rates have been imposed by the Bank of Japan. The country is on the brink of whether or not it survives as an imperialist regime, as it is unable to stop holding on to assets and has completely fallen out of competition in “growing industries” such as high technology. For the Japanese imperialist bourgeoisie, the participation in the aggressive war against China under the Japan-U.S. alliance, the massive military buildup, the rapid increase of military industry—militarization of the economy—has become the only way out for their desperate survival .
The war of invasion of China, which is aimed at life extension of US imperialism as a global empire, cannot be carried out unless Japanese imperialism is fully mobilized on the front line and Okinawa and all of Japan are used as battlegrounds. In addition, Japanese imperialism has no choice but to proactively participate in US imperialism’s aggressive war against China as its own war, thereby risking its survival as an imperialist country. In this way, the Japan-U.S. Security Alliance is increasingly revealing its ferocious nature as an aggressive war alliance against China with Okinawa, Kyushu, and all of Japan as a major military stronghold. The struggle to crush the Japan-U.S. security alliance—an alliance for aggressive war on China—and struggle against military bases in Okinawa and all of Japan, the struggle to smash the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty and overthrow Japanese imperialism is a part of the overall strategic line of “turn aggressive war into civil war in solidarity with Asian people.” this line we will be able to actually stop the world war, the aggressive war against China, and build the decisive link that will pave the way for an Anti-Imperialist Anti-Stalinist World Revolution.
We will fight the anti-war struggle to stop China’s aggressive war under the following slogans:
In solidarity with the fighting Chinese and Asian peoples, turn the U.S.-Japan imperialist aggressive war against China—the entry into a world war—into a revolutionary civil war to overthrow Japanese imperialism!
Smash Japan-U.S. security alliance for an aggressive war against China! Prevent Japanese imperialism from entering the war! Never allow Okinawa to become a front-line base, a battlefield! Stop the turning of U.S. military and Self-Defense Force bases, airports, and ports in Okinawa and all over Japan into sortie bases!
Make the overthrow of Japanese imperialism a breakthrough in the Anti-Imperialist, Anti-Stalinist Asian revolution—a world revolution!
II Class nature of the war in Ukraine and the working class’s position
The collapse of the USSR Stalinist regime and Putin’s Russia
(1) On February 24, 2022, Putin’s Russia invaded Ukrainian territory with its military that had been deployed near the border since the fall of the previous year; the Ukraine War started. However, the true nature of war cannot be grasped by determining who attacked first. It is incompatible with the position of the working class to view the war in Ukraine as “an aggressive war by Putin and Russia, and a war of defense by Ukraine” and to support US imperialism and NATO, which provide military aid to Ukraine,.
What is then the quintessence of the war in Ukraine? What position should be taken by the proletariat of the world, including Ukraine and Russia regarding this war? This is a decisive issue now in the international class struggle.
(2) First and foremost, we must grasp the problem that imperialism has been promoting the incorporation of the former Stalinist countries since the collapse of Stalinism in Eastern Europe and the USSR from 1989 to 1991 to the imperialist sphere of influence (the European Union as an economic bloc, and NATO as a military alliance) . [This process also involved inter-imperialist rivalries especially between the United States and Germany and re-division of their spheres of influence.]
This incorporation of the former Soviet Union’s Stalinist bloc into imperialist control is due to the fact that Eastern European countries have a historical background of being violently subsumed into the Soviet bloc before and after World War II (German-USSR War). This process went along as if was a “liberation” from the domination and oppression of the USSR Stalinist regime, and it progressed seemingly the process of “democratization = integration into world market economy/turn to capitalism”(in reality, it was the process of entering to the German-EU imperialist sphere of influence). However, in the case of the former Soviet Union and Russia, progress did not proceed as a simple “democratization” or “return” to the imperialist system.
(3) The collapse and dissolution of the USSR Stalinist system was first of all the defeat of the Soviet Union due to the intense, decades-long, and terrible overall pressure, particularly military pressure, exerted by US and other imperialism. However, the huge nuclear military power capable of confronting US imperialism had not been dismantled, and Russia, which still possessed it, could not be incorporated into the imperialist system. The Warsaw Pact, a military alliance between the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, was disbanded in 1991, but NATO, led by US imperialism, was maintained as a military alliance against Russia, which inherited the Soviet Union’s nuclear arsenal, as its virtual enemy.
Second, the collapse was caused by the explosive progress of the internal contradictions of Stalinism itself (the bankruptcy of socialism in one country) under the military pressure of imperialism. In other words, it was the collapse of the Stalinist state system itself, which was a Stalinist bureaucratic degeneration of socialism that had been on a way to be constructed in the Leninist leadership through the 1917 Revolution. Essentially, the only way to respond to this world-historical situation was to make a revolutionary return to Leninism and carry on the 1917 Revolution and the Leninist construction of the Second Russian Proletarian Revolution. In reality, however, the Yeltsin regime (1991-1999) was driven by the pressure of imperialism to dismantle straight the Stalinist “socialist system” and to transition to a “democratic capitalist state.”
Yeltsin’s turn to capitalism, which bypassed the proletarian reexamination of the former Soviet Union’s Stalinism, was to force “a primitive accumulation of capital” on the remnants of the Stalinist system, giving birth to capitalists on the one hand and proletarians on the other. It was an ultra- reactionary policy. This is promoted by privatization, embezzlement, and plunder of state-owned enterprises, abolition of various regulations and price liberalization, and mass bankruptcies of “inefficient enterprises,” resulting in unprecedented inflation and mass unemployment, famine, and destruction of livelihoods for the working people The Yeltsin regime forcibly suppressed the social disturbance and people’s dissatisfaction and anger caused by the forced implementation of capitalist policies, while forming oligarchs, financial elites, and the ultra-rich, and building up their own power base. It was Putin, a former member of the State Security Committee (KGB) of the USSR, who succeeded Yeltsin.
(4) After his inauguration as the president in 2000, Putin achieved economic growth with the help of rising international oil and resource prices, and promoted “resurrection of Russia as a great power” and encouraged Great Russian nationalism and patriotism, solidifying popular support and stabilizing authoritarian power base. For Putin’s Russia, it was totally unbearable to see Eastern Europe and the three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), which were once the sphere of influence or “territory” of the former Soviet Union, have gone under the influence of the EU and NATO one after another, and finally even Ukraine, the important agricultural and industrial power of the former USSR, was about to be NATO member and absorbed by US-European imperialism.
Fully aware of these developments, however, U.S. and European imperialism staged a coup d’état called the “Maidan Revolution” in February 2014 to overthrow the pro-Russian government in Ukraine (with direct intervention from the U.S. imperialists themselves). In response, Putin occupied and annexed Crimea, where 60% of the population is ethnic Russian and the Black Sea Fleet is based. Furthermore, he supported the war (Donbas War) by pro-Russian armed groups aiming at its secession and independence from eastern Ukraine, which also has a majority Russian speaking population. U.S. and European imperialism continued to impose economic sanctions on Putin’s Russia, and U.S. Imperialism in particular has provided military support to Ukraine, including various weapons aid and training.
US imperialism is rushing to an aggressive war against China and the battle for the domination of Ukraine has turned into a war
⑸ , The political and military conflict between US-European imperialism and Putin’s Russia over the dispute over Ukraine has continued under the circumstances as mentioned above since 2014. In February 2022 it has finally developed into a war . The background of the explosion of war was the looming big war—US imperialism’s aggressive war against China.
The US Biden administration, which was inaugurated in January 2021, has further escalated the Trump administration’s policy of confrontation with China, and has been moving toward a full-scale aggressive war against China. Before plunging into an aggressive war against China, it is vital for the United States to weaken Putin’s Russia, which has been getting closer to China, and tries to draw Russia into the Ukraine war and bind to it. On the other hand, Putin’s Russia judged that since US imperialism was planning a war against China, there was no way US imperialism would directly be engaged in the war in Ukraine, and judged that it was now or never and decided to rush into the Ukraine war.
Putin’s Russia planned to occupy the Ukrainian capital Kiev in a short decisive battle and attempted to overthrow the Zelenskiy government (as the USSR had often done in Eastern Europe) and install a pro-Russian government. However, the Ukrainian army, which had gained the full support of the United States and NATO, set up immediately a fully-equipped system of counterattack and heavily defeated the Russian army, which had approached Kiev.
However, no matter how much support there is from US and other imperialism, the Ukrainian army alone cannot defeat Russia due to the absolute difference in military strength and national power, and the counteroffensive of Ukraine that began in the summer of 2023 ended in fiasco. As the war enters its third year, it continues to turn into a quagmire. Support from US and European imperialism has now stalled, and within US imperialism, the largest donor country, Biden and Trump are at odds over support for Ukraine, and the Zelenskiy government is in a difficult situation. However, it is also true that Putin’s Russia has suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties, significantly depleting its military and national power. It would have been possible if it had not relied on North Korea for shell supplies, recruited soldiers from ethnic minorities and poor countries, blocked opposition candidates from running in presidential elections, and erased political opponents like Navalny using Stalinist methods of liquidation. This is the reality of Putin’s Russia. (Imperialist propaganda such as “If Ukraine loses, Russia will invade Eastern Europe next time” is a complete fantasy. It is nothing but a justification of their massive military expansion). US imperialism’s strategy of weakening Russia (with the blood of the Ukrainian people) before its war on China has been largely being followed till today.
⑹ If you look at the current situation this way, the Ukraine war is the eruption of irreconcilable conflict between US and other imperialism and Putin’s Russia at the moment when (1) the collapse of the Stalinist regime and the former Soviet Union’s incorporation into the imperialist bloc by U.S. and other imperialism has advanced to a certain point and (2) it reached Ukraine, and thus the conflict between imperialism and Putin’s Russia has become irreconcilable, and since 2014 it has progressed as a battle for Ukraine, and (3) it has finally culminated in U.S. imperialism’s rush toward aggressive war against China—a world war. It can be said that it exploded into a full-scale war in these circumstances. It is a war over who will seize and control Ukraine, US and other imperialism that support the Zelenskiy government or Putin’s Russia. Essentially, the Ukraine war is part of the US imperialist aggressive war against China—a world war. In other word, the US imperialist war against China has actually started in the theater of Ukraine. Waging the anti-war struggle in Ukraine means fighting against the beginning of US aggressive war on China.
It is reactionary to claim that the Ukraine war is a Putin’s war because Putin’s Russia invaded first and to support US-European imperialism and NATO countries together with the Zelenskiy government (which represents corrupt oligarchs, capitalists colluding with US-European imperialism) and munition supply and financial aids by imperialism. This is not at all the position of the working class. Putin’s Russia, fundamentally denies the Russian Revolution of 1917 and tries to restore Russian imperialism on the remnant of collapsed Stalinist regime. The working class’s anti-war struggle against this Ukraine war—a Great Game over Ukraine, a war for its re-division—can be carried out only on the position of Anti-Imperialism-Anti-Stalinism.
Ⅲ Rise Up for a Civil War to Overthrow Japanese imperialism in Response to the October 7 Uprising of Palestinian Resistance
A Full-scale Uprising against the Imperialist Extreme Oppression and Aggression
The situation of imperialist aggressive war drive on China headed by the United States and an imminent world war, created a decisive chasm in Palestine and the Middle East. in which the world domination of imperialism had long been a focal point of contradictions. The October 7 Uprising in 2023 is the eruption of the magma of the enormous anger of the Palestinian people which had been accumulated for nearly 80 years since the creation of the “State of Israel,” the ethnic cleansing against Palestinians..
In the midst of the total bankruptcy of the U.S. policy of domination in the Middle East since the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, the confrontation between U.S. Imperialism and Chinese Stalinism has exerted a decisive impact on the situation in the Middle East. To apply the brakes to the shift of emphasis of the U.S. world domination policy from the Middle East to China, China has strengthened relations with Middle Eastern countries including Israel, by exploiting the gap created by the U.S. retreat from the Middle East. And finally, in March 2023, China played a role of mediator in the restoration of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, delivering a severe blow to U.S. imperialism. Meanwhile, Iran has also strengthened its influence in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and above all Iraq. In response, the United States, by the both administrations of Trump and Biden, have strengthened their policy to confront and push forward an aggressive war on China. While at the same time, in their control of the Middle East, they have been increasingly placing the military strengthening of Israel at the heart of their policy, fully supporting and defending the far-right Zionist regime in Israel, and committing daily atrocities against the Palestinian people. Israel was given free rein for repeated bombings, and the expansion of settler colonialist aggression against the Palestinian people..
Israel has escalated the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, in the close coordination with the imperialist aggressive war drive on China by the United States. Chinese Stalinism, meanwhile, has been trying to counter U.S. imperialism with the anti-people policy in the Middle East. In Palestine all these contradictions have been concentrated and people there is facing a real menace of extermination. The October 7 Uprising was the ultimate decision and resolve of the Palestinian youth and revolutionary fighters to confront this extreme national oppression, the total reactionary policies of imperialism and Stalinism, and the total oppression of the Palestinian people. This was exactly an uprising of Palestinian young revolutionary warriors who had the determination: “Combat or Death: bloody struggle or extinction.” It is the duty of revolutionary communists to unconditionally support and stand in solidarity with the October 7 Uprising as an act of achieving the final victory of the war of national liberation. It is indispensable for emancipation of all the working classes in the world.
More than four months after the October 7 Uprising, under the support and backing of the U.S. and other imperialist countries, Israel has continued to intensify and expand military invasion of and genocide in Gaza. And finally, Israel is now about to culminate in a massacre in Rafah, the southernmost city where more than 1.4 million refugees are sheltering. At this juncture, U.S. President Joe Biden vetoed the “immediate ceasefire” resolution submitted to the UN Security Council on February 20 to avoid a ground invasion of Rafah, effectively giving Israel the green light for the Rafah massacre. And all imperialist countries including Japan openly defended Israel in the midst of this invasion and massacre, and even revealed themselves as the strangler of the Palestinian liberation struggle by cutting off their contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).
However, no brutal war of aggression whatsoever by Israel and imperialist countries can eradicate the national liberation struggle of the peoples of Palestine and the Middle East, nor can they stifle the permanent development of the solidarity with Palestinians that has spread throughout the world. We, as the proletariats of the imperialist country and as a revolutionary party upholding Anti-Imperialism and Anti-Stalinism, must recognize the October 7 Uprising as the beginning of the turning of the world war into an international civil war, and respond to it in solidarity with the uprising with an internal revolutionary resolve to overthrow our own government, the Japanese Imperialists.
National Liberation/Revolutionary War and Anti-Imperialism/Anti-Stalinism
At this point here again, we reexamine the historical background that made the October 7 Uprising inevitable and clarify its essence as a national liberation/revolutionary war. As is well known, the imperialist invasion and colonial rule of Palestine began in full scale during World War I, when it became clear that securing oil resources was of vital importance to imperialism. From the beginning, this imperialist invasion was connected with Zionism, a tiny minority Jewish movement, and was promoted with the Zionists as the vanguard of imperialism (the Zionist movement was closely combined with imperialist Middle East invasion policy from the beginning, and was established and developed as a powerful political movement only by the full support of imperialist countries).
The course of the movement can be outlined as follows: 1) the rule of British imperialists over Palestine (the British occupation started in 1918, and put Palestine under the British Mandate in 1920) and promoted Jewish settlement, 2) The “State of Israel” was created by the full support of US imperialism in 1948 and started the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people around that time ( the Great Catastrophe or Nakba), 3) After the Third Middle East War in 1967 Israel occupied Gaza, West Bank of Jordan River and East Jerusalem, then the full-scale armed liberation struggle led by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) developed seriously. To crush the struggle the United States and Israel waged a series of wars of aggression in the whole area of the Middle East (the Jordanian Civil War in 1970, the Lebanese Civil War from 1975 to 76, the Lebanese War in 1982, etc.), 4) the Oslo Accords was signed by Israel and PLO in 1993 as a reactionary crushing plot against the First Intifada (capitulation of the PLO leadership), 5) the Second and the Third Intifadas exploded against Israel’s repeated incursions into the “autonomous areas” and settlement expansion, then Israel went ahead with the blockade of Gaza in 2007 to crush it, and the extreme repression has been continuing up to this day.
We must make it clear that lots of historical criminalities had taken place during the history of aggression over a hundred years,: 1) the forcible creation of the “State of Israel,” with the implication of the U.S. imperialist rivalry against Britain and France, had a decisive significance for the construction of the postwar imperialist world system with U.S. imperialism as its powerful axis, and for the strengthening of US control over the Middle East as an essential element of that system, 2) at the same time, it meant the extraordinarily distorted postwar imperialist treatment of Jewish people who had survived the Nazi persecutions and genocide, 3) moreover, it is the historical criminality committed by USSR Stalinism to have admitted this treatment of Jewish people. The U.S. imperialists created the powerful military base state, Israel, as their vanguard, and waged a series of wars of aggression, including five wars in the Middle East, to bring the Arab nations to their knees and has maintained their exclusive control over the Middle East.
As mentioned before, the decisive thing was that, since U.S. imperialism shifted its policy towards confrontation with Chinese Stalinism in 2010s, the United States had been withdrawing its military forces from the Middle East and at the same time, for the supplement of weakened US military presence in this area, begun strengthening Israel’s military power. Furthermore, in order to confront on-going China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Biden administration has taken up a task of establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia in order to realize the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC). In addition, Biden wanted to advance the development of natural gas fields and the construction of pipelines in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Thus the eradication of armed resistance in the surrounding areas has become essential for US Middle East policy in line with this U.S. move, the sixth Netanyahu government of Israel, with its “New Middle East” concept, dramatically increased settlement in the West Bank from 2023, launched the largest armed invasion of refugee camps in the past 20 years and committed an ethnic cleansing to dismantle the Palestinian “autonomous region,” clear Gaza, and expel the entire Palestinian people from these areas.
Exactly at this moment, the October 7 Uprising demonstrated to the whole world the accumulated anger and unyielding determination of the Palestinian people in the Middle East toward national liberation. It was carried out as a historic counterattack by the Palestinian people against the attack of total ethnic cleansing, and dealt an unprecedented blow to the postwar domination of the Middle East by Israel and imperialist countries. It reminded the world that it is a natural, justified and inevitable action in history that the people of Palestine should take up arms and rise up for a revolutionary war against the invaders, occupation forces and mass murderers who have been violating Palestine for decades. Above all, it had a tremendous impact on the peoples of the world, especially on the proletariats of the imperialist countries, and brought about a huge shift in the development of the international class struggle toward civil war and an all-out powerful class struggle. The proletariats of the whole world have been put to the test as to what attitude they should take to the October 7 Uprising, and all existing political forces were screened: whether they would side with Israel and the imperialists who denounced the October 7 Uprising as “Hamas’ despicable terrorism,” or they would take the side of the proletariats of the world who saw the October 7 Uprising as a historic explosion of a national liberation/revolutionary war against the imperialists. We should take the October 7 Uprising squarely as an inevitable explosion of national liberation/revolutionary war against imperialism, and as a blame of the proletariats in the imperialist countries that have allowed imperialist aggression and oppression, and stand in solidarity with it in the struggle for the overthrow of our own government and imperialism.
Overcome the betrayal of Stalinism
The national liberation/revolutionary war should be led by a proletarian revolutionary party and be fought as part of the proletarian world revolution to overthrow imperialism, toward the fundamental overthrow of the system of ethnic oppression and colonial rule, which is inseparable from imperialist world domination. However, as we have already mentioned on the issue of Chinese Stalinism, distortion of international communist movement by Stalinism exerted a destructive influence over the national liberation/revolutionary wars in its emerging stage by separating it from the goal of proletarian world revolution. At the same time, the proletarian revolutionary movement in the imperialist countries was forced to drop of the tie with the national liberation/revolutionary wars of the oppressed peoples. Proletarian internationalism was destroyed by Stalinism and the task of creating genuine unity between the oppressed and the oppressing nations, who are divided by imperialist rule.
This betrayal of Stalinism gave a devastating damage especially to the national liberation struggle of the Palestinian people in the Middle East. USSR Stalinism committed multiple betrayals by recognizing Israel as a state on May 17, 1948, a wedge driven into the Middle East by a ferocious war of colonial aggression and even made use of it by deporting the Jewish immigrants in USSR to Israel. Furthermore, Chinese Stalinism also established diplomatic relations with Israel in 1992, not only strengthening economic ties but also introducing Israel’s advanced weapons technology and security/repression systems, revealing its true identity as the very evil Stalinist counterrevolution.
The national liberation struggle of the people in the Middle East, especially in Palestine is being waged in the face of multiple difficulties: the betrayal of Stalinism, the corruption of the Arab nationalist leadership, the capitulation of the Arab reactionary countries to the US imperialists and Israel, but closely united under the historical national and religious community norm of Muslims. At the center of this struggle stands the working-class comrades who are indefatigably struggling They are actually organized in a labor union., the Palestinian trade union, which is calling on workers worldwide to join in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people to stop the invasion and genocide by the United States and Israel. Many workers and labor unions around the world including Doro-Chiba in Japan have ardently responded to this call.
The Anti-Imperialist Anti-Stalinist revolutionary party is exactly what Palestinian people in the Middle East needed now. The only way to defeat the extremely brutal domination and oppression and the tyrannical genocidal aggression by the United States and Israel is the victory of the Anti-Imperialist/Anti-Stalinist World Revolution. What is most urgently needed is the struggles of the proletariats in their imperialist suzerain countries . Toward the Anti-Imperialist Anti-Stalinist World Revolution, solidarity with the Palestinian people and other oppressed peoples , we must strengthen our struggle for a civil war to actually stop the genocide by the United States and Israel. (This would lead to a world war and nuclear war that exterminates the working-class people of the world!) When our struggles powerfully explodes and our seriousness reaches the Palestinian people and to the Middle East struggling under extreme conditions, the October 7 Uprising, which has torn apart the cornerstone of imperialist domination of the world, will surely prove to be victorious as a national liberation/revolutionary war that is a decisive part of the Anti-Imperialist/Anti-Stalinist World Revolution.
We, in firm solidarity with the October 7 Uprising, reaffirm our determination to put the contents of Chapter III of the January 1, 2024 Politburo Appeal, Contemporary Reestablishment of the July 7 Line and Deepening of the Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Stalinist World Revolutionary Theory, at the core of the draft resolutions of this Conference and to put them into full practice.
Ⅳ For the victory of World Revolution Against Imperialism and Stalinism under the slogan; “Turn Aggressive War into a Civil War, in Solidarity with Fighting Asian People!”
The task of revolutionary communists and their party
What should be the fundamental task of revolutionary communists and their party, confronting squarely the imperialist war drive headed by the United States against China, imminent world war, now developing in the aggravating Ukrainian war and October 7 Uprising of Palestinian people and the genocide in Gaza by US imperialism and Israel ?
(1) First, we should expose the essential class character of aggressive war on China, a world war, already launched by all imperialist powers with the United States on its head, followed by Japan. Its aim is to eternalize the world domination of imperialism to secure the privilege of bourgeoisie, a handful of people, only 0.1% of the whole world population, to strengthen exploitation and deprivation cutting people’s lives and to suppress proletarian class struggle and the national liberation struggle of oppressed nations. In a word, it is a continuation of imperialist politics.
(2) Secondly, we should emphasize that it is necessary to put an end to the imperialist world domination in order to prevent further aggravation of Ukrainian war and genocide of Palestinian people by the United States and Israel, directed at war on China, a world war, and that this task is achieved only by world proletarian revolution, a combined struggle of proletarian revolution in imperialist countries and national liberation struggle in oppressed countries (its essential form is national liberation /revolutionary war). So, our urgent effort should be directed at steady clarification of the facts and persuasive agitation to such action.
As far as imperialist world domination continues, invasion and war are inevitable, as was exposed by the fact that tens of millions of human lives were lost in the period even after World War II*, and today hundred thousand casualties in Ukraine and the death toll of 30,000 including children together with tens of thousands heavily injured in Gaza. When the world is thrust into aggressive war on China, a world war, a nuclear war, human race will be perished.
*According to Watson Institute of Brown University of the U.S., the direct and indirect death toll by US wars amounts to 4.5 million since September 11, 2001.
It is not at all realistic to sustain such imperialist world domination. In contrast, another and only solution by world revolution, which is achieved through a huge scale mass revolutionary action of working class people of imperialist countries as well as oppressed countries, though it might demand inevitable sacrifice of lives in confrontation with the desperate counteraction of imperialist bourgeoisie, but, compared with the case of imperialist war, the sacrifice would be far less disastrous. World revolution only will save human race from the catastrophe of world war, nuclear war and bring forth a genuine permanent world peace and thus is the most realistic solution now.
(3) Thirdly, we should expose the counter-revolutionary character of Stalinism and clarify the necessity of overthrowing Stalinism from the fundamental position to achieve world revolution. Stalinism opposes world revolution, counterpoises anti-proletarian military power (including nuclear weapons) against imperialist drive for aggressive war, world war and nuclear war and thus helps promote imperialist war impulse.
In regard to this point, let’s reconfirm the conclusion of the second report of the sixth party congress:
The world today should not be defined simply as the age of imperialism. We live now in the period of transition from imperialism to the age of world revolution, in which the world domination of imperialism has been broken off in one of its chains by Russian Revolution in 1917, a proletarian revolution. This transition period has been, however, distorted into a world system of imperialism and Stalinism by a huge counter-revolutionary stroke of Stalinism. Stalinism has, however, gone bankrupt at the end of 20th century. As a result, world today is confronted with the imminent battle of redivision of the world among imperialist powers with reintegration of the remaining Stalinist countries and also ex-Stalinist countries as the first task.
The current strategy of proletarian world revolution should make the following points clear: first, the achievement of real emancipation of proletariat of the collapsed Russia and other countries under the ex-Stalinist sphere is possible through confrontation against the policy of Yeltsin and Putin to convert into capitalism, a confrontation based firmly upon the historical and critical reflection on the cause of bankruptcy of Stalinism as strategic task. It is the only way to go forward for the new proletarian revolution as genuine revival and succession of the Russian Revolution in 1917.
Secondly, working class people of the remaining Stalinist countries with China at its head, should fight a death battle against the existing Stalinist state power. Otherwise, there could be no way of revolutionary step forward.
And thirdly and last, for working class people of the whole world, their victory in each country is achieved only as a part of victorious world revolution with its final goal, be it the struggle in imperialist country or in oppressed country for national liberation/revolutionary war. Considering all these analyses, the conclusion is: the revolutionary strategy of world revolution today is world revolution against imperialism and against Stalinism. Workers and people of the world and people of the oppressed countries, unite under the banner of Anti-Imperialist Anti-Stalinist World!
Re-establish the 7-7 line in today’s world for the explosive advance of anti-war struggle
(4) Fourth, we, revolutionary communists and working class people under the (Japanese) imperialist rule, should organize anti-war struggle to prevent war of aggression on China under the slogan: “Turn the Japanese imperialist aggression against Asia into a civil war, in solidarity with fighting Chinese, Asian peoples and of oppressed nationalities” as actual practice of our programmatic strategy.
Reestablishment of Today’s 7-7 Line, based on the “thought of blood debt”, is a vital task for us to achieve this struggle, as was presented by the January 1 Appeal of JRCL. We, Japanese working class people have a bitter experience of pre-war as well as post-war periods of defeat of class struggle under Stalinist leadership which betrayed revolutionary principle, resulting in submission to mobilization into war of aggression by means of chauvinistic propaganda. As a result, class consciousness of Japanese working class people was seriously distorted and proletarian internationalism was almost lost. It is urgent for us now to reflect upon this grave historical development and present situation of Japanese class struggle and regain and reestablish the need of solidarity and unity with national liberation struggle of the people of oppressed nations as an indispensable link of universal principle of communism, that is, the struggle of self-emancipation of proletariat.
For Japanese imperialism, over-all mobilization of proletariat is indispensable to launch aggressive war on China. Chauvinism, patriotism, ideology of national interest and defense of homeland are the strongest weapon to demolish class consciousness of proletariat for war-mobilization.
Proletariat has, however, in its nature, a power to crush such chauvinistic imperialistic propaganda. Proletariat is essentially a class of international character and a class, which cannot emancipate itself except by abolishing all exploitation and class rule with all its inhuman oppression and, therefore, a fundamentally revolutionary class.
The 7-7 Line, “thought of blood debt” and the slogan, “Turn aggression into civil war, in solidarity with fighting Asian people!” give a fatal blow to imperialist attack of chauvinism and war, appealing to infinite revolutionary quality of proletariat for self- emancipation in international solidarity.
In the face of imminent war of aggression on China by Japanese imperialism together with the United States, it is to be remembered that the criticism on July 7t 1970 was made at the 33rd anniversary of the Lugou Bridge Incident 1937,(the start of Japanese total war on China), by the, Chinese residents in Japan. Now is the very moment of putting in practice the self-criticism, demanded on July 7 1970, while the drive for war is launched. We should underscore critical importance of the ongoing struggle of Chinese people (both in Chinese mainland and Taiwan), as well as Asian people, including Chinese and Korean residents in Japan and people of other Asian countries—the very aggressed countries— in regard to the struggle against war of aggression.
First of all, we are requested to pledge in our today’s struggle, not to repeat the whole history of Japan as only imperialist country in Asia, in which aggression, colonial rule, massacre, segregation, suppression, forced labor and sexual slave took place, a shameless history, while Japanese imperialism now together with the whole right-wing, counter-revolutionary forces are violently trying to cross out these facts. Our present practice should be based upon serious self-criticism as working class over the history of Japanese imperialism.
Japanese imperialism, which, in the past century, put Taiwan under colonial rule for 50 years and committed invasion, massacre and plunder by deploying millions of troops from Japan in whole areas of China, is now attempting to prepare for war of aggression once again against China by building up a network of missile base and sortie base in the Southwestern Islands as well as all over Japan, while waging a large-scale armament. We should never admit such outrageous assault of Japanese imperialism. Once, however, Japanese proletariat rises up for a determined struggle to “unite and turn aggression into civil war” as actual practice of the 7-7 Line, a great bond of international solidarity would be established between the people of Japan, China/Taiwan, Korea and the other Asian countries. Thus, Japan, China, and the whole Asia would surely become a powerful stronghold of world revolution against imperialism and against Stalinism.
(5) As the fifth point of our task, we should organize anti-war struggle against Japanese aggressive war on China as revolutionary mass action in the spirit of re-establishing and practicing the 7-7line in today’s situation, based on the recognition of the essential character of current war from the programmatic viewpoint of Anti-Imperialist Anti-Stalinist World. We should take every opportunity in workplace, campus, meetings of labor unions and mass organizations, on the street and in the parliament, to expose the class character of the present war, clarify the attitude of working class people toward the war, present the policy of urgent action and put it in practice. Overwhelming majority of the working class people want to end the massacre in Gaza and immediate cease fire of war in Ukraine and to express their opposition against the massive military build-up, strengthening of military bases and military training in Okinawa and the whole Japanese regions. The concrete action plan needed to respond to the wish of people is to organize demonstration, a huge revolutionary mass action. History teaches us that every revolution has started from demonstration, often accompanied by strikes. That is why the ruling class are terribly afraid of the explosion of anti-war demonstration.
With the aim of realizing mass anti-war demonstration in a large scale mobilization, “Grand March Movement: Stop Constitutional Revision and War!” has been established based on the achievement of class struggle labor movement with Doro-Chiba on the front line and is now faced with the phase of full development as an active body or combative organ to materialize the universal will of working class people against war all over Japan. In face of impending world war and Japanese imperialist drive for war on China, almost all existing labor and other civil organizations are withdrawing the motto, “absolutely no to war”. In this alarming situation, “Grand March Movement: Stop Constitutional Revision and War!” has an endless possibility of organizing working class people as a whole. Let’s call upon labor unions and other promoters to join in the effort of developing the Grand March.
Now is the time for all-out development of class struggle labor movement
(6) Imperialist drive for aggression and war abroad is the largest class aggression and class war against working class. At this historical moment, class struggle labor movement is demanded to exhibit all its power with anti-war struggle as its axis in full explosion of mass action. November 19 Workers Assembly last year has shown this great possibility in general rising up to respond October 7 uprising of Palestinian people.
The post-war Japanese labor movement started from the demand of purging war criminals/their condemnation, and pledged not to repeat war, fighting against starvation wage and raised the slogan of “establishing people’s government” with a serious intention of revolution. It should be remembered that the actual initiative of the post-war uprising was taken by people of Korea and China under Japanese colonial rule, who lived in Japan. This fact exhibited a sign of international class solidarity.
Japanese labor movement in the period of post-war revolution experienced a stormy upsurge beginning from the restored May Day, demanding food supply, in 1946, followed by the strikes in several industrial branches in October up to the planned February 1 general strike in 1947, which suffered, however, a terrible collapse by the betrayal of the leadership of Japan Communist Party who surrendered to the prohibition order of US occupation force. In spite of this heavy blow, Japanese proletariat rose up repeatedly to continue struggle till the large-scale assault by US and Japanese imperialism, “Red Purge” on the eve of outbreak of Korean War in March 1950. Japan Communist Party, targeted by this attack, once gave up fighting and soon turned to “adventurous military policy”, ending finally in adopting “parliamentary line” (under the Stalinist direction of USSR and Chinese Communist Party.)
Thus, the whole process of post-war revolution came completely to the end in the midst of Japanese economic survival owing to the procurement of US occupation forces during the Korean War and the incorporation of social democratic labor movement leadership in to the existing system, replacing Stalinist influence over labor movement through establishing Sohyo (General Council of Trade Unions of Japan). Under this corrupt leadership of social-democrats and Stalinist leadership, Japanese labor movement was deformed and orientated toward right-wing reformist line. It needed a certain lapse of hard times till a new step of revival of combative labor union was made by the joining of fighting labor union activists in workplaces of national railway, post office, education, and private industrial branches on the one side and revolutionary communist movement against imperialism and Stalinism on the other side, in the third general committee convention of JRCL in 1962 (two years after the stormy struggle against the revision of Japan-US Security Treaty in 1960). Thus, the starting point was set up for the veritable development of class struggle labor movement to overcome the influence of Stalinists and social-democrats and the construction of revolutionary proletarian party.
This struggle had to experience a series of hardships for decades: the decisive battle of 1970′, self-criticism of 7・7, civil-war like dual confrontation against the state power and counter-revolutionary Kakumaru. Through these struggles, we succeeded to challenge with Doro-Chiba on the front line neo-liberal offensive of Japanese imperialism, starting from the Division and Privatization of Japan Railway (1987) and followed by the dissolution of Sohyo (in 1989) and its replacement by Rengo (Japan Trade Union Confederation) and raging assaults of counter-revolutionary neo-liberalism. Now in the current critical situation, in which Japanese imperialism is ready to start a war on China and ongoing degeneration of Rengo has entered a stage of complete incorporation with the governing Liberal-Democratic Party, Keidanren (Federation of Economic Organizations) and Japanese bourgeoisie and transformation of Rengo into a genuine Patriotic Industrial Association, just in such a grave phase of class struggle, we have reached a point of building up a rallying axis of class struggle labor movement to oppose the war by our own government, to carrying out class principle and to overthrow imperialism. November 19 All-out Workers Rally last year has materialized this (as a result of “November Workers Rally Movement).
The major sponsors of November Rally are three labor unions, namely Doro-Chiba, Kan-Nama Branch and Minato-Godo, who have been fighting fiercely against the violent union busting by the capital and the state power and at the same time aiming at overcoming the limit of the post-war Japanese labor movement under the leadership of Stalinists and Social-Democrats. The highest achievement of the 79 years’ post-war Japanese labor movement is crystallized, exhibiting the militant and revolutionary spirit proper to Japanese proletariat. And this development has been carried on further by building-up of international solidarity among Japan, Korea and US, started by the united action with Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and ILWU (International Longshore and Warehouse Union, local 10 at the start of US invasion on Iraq in 2003. “Grand March Movement: Stop Constitutional Revision and War!” is the product of this development of November All-out Workers Rally.
In the war-time, aggressive propaganda prevails that national unity is an absolute duty and that class antagonism has suddenly disappeared. Thus, class struggle is totally denied. But the true cause of imperialist war lies in the fact that the systemic contradictions of imperialism come to explode in insoluble social crisis, destroying the lives and rights of working class, and intensifying class antagonism at home and deadly conflict among imperialist powers abroad. Imperialist war exposes the unreconciled character of class antagonism in the sharpest form.
As a concrete problem in face of imperialist war working class people are forced to confront an alternative: the question is whether to continue to suffer hardship and be thrown into the holocaust to fight for alien interests, or to make great sacrifices for socialism, for the interests of nine-tenths of mankind” (Lenin: Principles involved in the war issue.)
The content of this attitude is clarified in the slogan for the class struggle, or class war, in the time of imperialist war is: “Turn imperialist war into a civil war!”. In today’s situation for the struggle in imperialist countries, “Unite and turn aggression into a civil war”. There is no other precise and adequate slogan than this for us to carry through class struggle labor movement in confrontation against Japanese imperialist aggressive war drive on China.
Struggle on all fronts
(7) Student movement
Student movement is now playing a vital role in developing anti-war struggle and demonstration into a mass powerful action, encouraging working class people for rising up. When we succeed in organizing several hundred students into combat troops, a qualitative change will occur in Japanese anti-war and class struggle.
(8) Struggle against chauvinism and discrimination
Racial oppression and all other social discrimination are born with the emergence of class society and are intensified to the extreme degree in the period of imperialism, an age of collapsing capitalist society, the last stage of historical development of class society. All kind of social discrimination today, such as racial discrimination, chauvinism. discrimination against women, Buraku people and disabled people are artificial products and effective tool of imperialism, which is driving for war in the midst of corruption and reactionary degradation and is trying to maintain its rule by destroying class unity of proletariat to prevent civil war. Imperialist war and intensification of chauvinism and discrimination are one and same.
The progress of the women liberation struggle and the re-establishment of the 7-7 line in today’s world since the 26th general‘ committee meeting have clarified the critical and vital importance of confrontation with brutal assault of chauvinism, oppression, segregation and mobilization of proletariat by these tools of propaganda, called forth by the desperate imperialist crisis and aggressive war drive. Let’s organize the struggle comprising of all front, liberation of women, fight against immigration control, liberation of disabled person as major task of district committees of JRCL under the general strategic line, “Unite and turn aggression into civil war”. Thereby we need theoretical rearmament by studying the particle, “Present stage of the situation at home and abroad and our strategic and tactical task” (Selected Work of Takeo Shimizu, chairperson of JRCL, volume 3)
The importance of the struggle against the state power suppression
(9) Anti-war struggle under the slogan of overthrowing our own government comes inevitably a frontal crush with the state power oppression for the maintenance of public order. It is closely combined with the counter-attack against the state power attempt of annihilation of revolutionary organization accompanied by civil counter-revolutionary forces such as Kakumaru and right-wing under the banner of Emperor. The core of the struggle against the state power oppression is to keep perfect silence and to refuse conversion in case of being arrested. We, JRCL, are proud of being a sole revolutionary party in the history of Japanese revolutionary movement which has carried through victory over all kinds of state power oppression to force to abandon the thought and practice of proletarian violent revolution and to surrender to the myth of all mighty state power and liquidate revolutionary organizations or transformation into opportunistic movement.
All these have been verified by the following examples: the fight against the application of the Anti Subversive Law to JRCL in the 1970’s struggle; the struggle to fight back the prosecutor’s demand of death penalty and judgment of life imprisonment on Fumiaki Hoshino, a student activist, who rose up for the Shibuya riot in 1971; the struggle of Masaaki Osaka, also ex-student activist, put on the list of wanted person for 46 years and the current judgment of 20 years’ imprisonment under the false charge of commitment in the same struggle in 1971; and other framed-up cases of producing explosives.
These victories have been guaranteed by the firm conviction in the thought, platform and political line based upon Marxism and the stand point of Anti-Imperialist Anti-Stalinist World Revolution against imperialism and Stalinism and also the stand point of carrying out the 7-7 self-criticism as well as indefinite confidence in working class. In an age, in which the world war has actually begun, and Japanese imperialism is actively engaged in the aggressive war on China, we, JRCL, are carrying through our struggle under the slogan, “Unite and turn aggression into civil war”. It is achieved through our victory in the struggle against the state power suppression combined with the civil war like battle against Kakumaru, historic cruel counterrevolutionary force for half a century since 1970’s struggle.
Let’s succeed the will of the deceased comrade Fumiaki Hoshino and defend and take back our courageous comrades from the prison, comrade Taketoshi Suga, who are fighting in the prison against the charge of the explosives control law and comrade Osaka, who is calling for striking development of the Okinawa and anti-war struggle, confronting the unjust judgment of 20 years’ imprisonment for the Shibuya riot as proud symbol of JRCL and Japanese proletariat. We should make it in the core position of our struggle, “Unite and turn aggression into civil war”, to fight the struggle against the state power suppression.
What kind of leap and change is demanded as urgent task for JRCL?
Now on the problem of party construction. We confirm the contents of the fifth chapter of New Years’ Appeal of 2024. Based on this recognition, the party is requested to carry through a further fundamental change and great leap in order to put in practice, not a mere verbal repetition, the slogans: “turn imperialist war into civil war” and “Unite with fighting Chinese and other Asian people and turn Japanese imperialist commitment in war on China into civil war”. Here is the place to reaffirm the urgent task of practicing the change of the party. Following are the citations from the article of Lenin, “Principles involved in the war issue” Collected Work vol.23) to tackle with this problem.
“A declaration against defense of the fatherland places exceptionally high demands on the revolutionary consciousness and revolutionary viability of the party.”
“And such a declaration does become a hollow phrase if we merely reject defense of the fatherland without being fully aware of, i.e., without appreciating, the demands implied, without realizing that all propaganda, agitation, organization, in short, the sum total of party activity must be radically changed, “regenerated” (to use Karl Liebknecht’s expression) and adapted to the supreme revolutionary tasks.”
“Let us carefully consider what rejection of fatherland defense implies, if we approach it as a serious political slogan that must really be carried out.”
“We definitely know now, from the experience of several of the warring countries, what this actually implies in the present war. It implies rejection of all the foundations of modern bourgeois society, the undermining of the very roots of the modern social system, and not only in theory, not only “in general”, but in practice, directly and immediately. Is it not clear that this can be accomplished only if we go beyond the firm theoretical conviction that capitalism has fully matured for its transformation into socialism and accept the practical, direct and immediate carrying out of such transformation, i.e., the socialist revolution?”
“Yet that is nearly always lost sight of in discussing refusal to defend the fatherland. At best there is “theoretical” acceptance of the fact that capitalism is ripe for transformation into socialism. But immediate, radical change of all aspects of party activity in the spirit of the directly imminent socialist revolution—that is shunned!”
“What is being opposed to the policy of defense of the fatherland and civil peace? Revolutionary struggle against the war, “revolutionary mass actions”. What is the aim of revolutionary mass struggle? It is no longer a matter of contrasting two social systems, but of formulating the concrete aim of the concrete “revolutionary mass struggle” against a concrete evil, namely, the present high cost of living, the present war danger or the present war.”
“The party has “accepted” revolutionary mass struggle. Very well. But is the party capable of waging it? Is it preparing for it? Is it studying these problems, gathering together the necessary material, setting up the proper bodies and organizations? Is it discussing the issues among the people and with the people?”
It was in the midst of WWI that Lenin presented this task as an urgent issue. This is exactly the focal point of today’s need of change and leap of the revolutionary party. We should resolutely achieve this, basing ourselves on the deep-rooted revolutionary power of proletariat and also materializing it into practice.